Guidelines for Contributors

Contributors to Didaskalia should remember first and foremost that they are writing for a diverse audience which may not be familiar with the jargon of a given field, although most will have at least general knowledge of the ancient playwrights and their more famous plays. Some of our readers are interested spectators or passionate amateurs with no formal training; some are highly trained specialists whose training does not carry over into other disciplines. As we are trying to encourage a dialogue, we want our readers to be able to understand what we say.

Editorial Policy
Didaskalia is a peer-reviewed journal. We encourage contributions from those who have not previously published, but reserve the right to make such revisions as are necessary to maintain the journal's standards of quality. Edited files are returned to the author for approval of changes before publication.

Please submit only one version of your text either in Rich Text Format (.rtf), Plain Text (.txt), or Microsoft Word (any version for Windows or Apple).

If the text includes images, please submit images seperately as jpeg files and indicate where they should appear in the text. For audio files, please submit in mp3 format.

If you make a submission as the text of an e-mail, use no formatting. Instead, put elements requiring formatting (italics etc.) between asterisks, as other formatting may not transmit.

Since we cannot yet transmit Greek or other alphabets, and because not all our readers know that language, please transliterate without diacritical marks (these do not transmit) and place the transliterated word(s) in italics, or between asterisks (*).

If you wish to emphasise a word or phrase (e.g. names of ancient works and all titles of books or plays) please place in italics or between asterisks (*).

If you are including illustrations, please indicate where in your text you would like them to be placed. Illustrations should be submitted either in hard copy as high-contrast photgraphs or drawings (A4 size or smaller) or on disk, ideally in bitmap (.bmp) or TIFF (.tif) format, scanned in at a resolution of 100 dots per inch (dpi). JPEG (.jpg) files are less ideal, but will be accepted. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any photographs which appear in their articles and for providing the necessary photo credits. Detailed recommendations on submitting video and audio clips may be obtained from the Editor:
Email: jane.griffiths AT

Listings and annoucements should be submitted using the online form.

References & Bibliography
From Volume 6 onwards, Didaskalia will use in-text referencing instead of footnotes for bibliographical references, following the MLA in-text referencing conventions. Contributors are strongly urged not to use footnotes unless absolutely necessary. Some examples of MLA referencing are given below.

In-text Reference
"To bring the origin of language back into the light of day means also to rediscover the primitive moment in which it was pure designation." (Foucault 115)

Bibliographical References
Foucault, M., 2002. The Order of Things. London: Routledge.

Fantham, E., 1975. Sex, Status, and Survival in Hellenistic Athens: A Study of Women in New Comedy. Phoenix 29, 53-55.

Hardwick, L., 2001. Tantalus Staged: Anthology, Narrative and the Audience. Didaskalia 5.2: 11 Jan. 2003 <>.

Where to send your work
Contributions should be submitted either by e-mail or on disk; the preferred method is by e-mail, to: jane.griffiths AT .

Readers are permitted to save or print any files from Didaskalia as long as there are no alterations made in those files. Copyright remains with the authors, who are entitled to reprint their work elsewhere if due acknowledgement is made to the earlier publication in Didaskalia. Contributors are responsible for getting permission to reproduce any photographs which appear in their articles and for providing the necessary photo credits.

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