1. These figures are those on the database in May 2001, not those I gave in Otago in July 2000. I am most grateful to our Researcher, Amanda Wrigley, for her help. It is interesting that the proportional figures, decade-by-decade, for a project in progress under the auspices of the European Network for the Documentation of Ancient Greek Drama are quite closely parallel. (I am grateful here for the invaluable contribution of Prof. Platon Mavromoustakos and his team in the Department of Theatre Studies at the University of Athens.)
2. There is a valuable listing and discussion in Anton Bierl Die Orestie des Aischylos auf der modernen Buhne = DRAMA Beiheft 5 (Stuttgart 1996). But he discusses only five of the "major" productions listed above in any detail (Gassman/Pasolini, Ronconi, Stein, Mnouchkine, Castellucci); and some of them do not figure at all in his listings on pp.111-5.
3. I hope to write a detailed study of the language of this translation in the near future.
4. I am most grateful for an advance view of this very interesting piece.
5. There are illustrations of set, masks and costumes, with brief commentary, in Jocelyn Herbert. A Theatre Workbook (London 1993) 118-27.
6. This music has never been published, but can still be heard on the video of the television film made for Channel 4 (available only from Films for the Humanities and Sciences, Princeton, NJ - not from Channel 4 itself.) The videos are a very pale reflection of the original production: much of the power of the staging lay in group activity and group movement, yet the video is taken almost entirely in close-up.
7. It was our agreement over the centrality of fire that led to a successful appeal in court to overrule the local Fire Authority prohibition against naked flame on stage.
8. I am talking here about my contribution in person, not through my Stagecraft book: that has been explored in some detail by R.B.Parker in edd. M.Cropp, E.Fantham, S.Scully Greek tragedy and its legacy. Essays presented to D.J.Conacher (Calgary 1986) 337-57, esp. 343-6.9. My authority for this was Macdowell's commentary on Aristophanes Wasps line 94.
10. Published by Faber in 1999, several weeks before the production opened.
11. I was/am much influenced in this approach by John Gould's chapter in ed. M.Silk Tragedy and the tragic (Oxford 1996) 217-43, now reprinted in Myth, Ritual, Memeory, and Exchange (Oxford 2001) 378-404.
12. This aspect of the production was sensitively appreciated in an essay by the journalist Peter Stothard in The Times for 2 December 1999.