Tantalus Staged: Anthology, Narrative and the Audience


John Barton, Tantalus (London, 2000)

Paul Cartledge, Programme Notes to Tantalus, 2000/1

Lorna Hardwick, Translating Words, Translating Cultures (London, 2000)
'Who owns the Plays?', Eirene XXXV11, 2001, pp 23-39

Ruth Hazel, Tantalus Review, 2001, http://www2.open.ac.uk/ClassicalStudies/GreekPlays

David Jays, 'Troy Story', New Statesman 26 February 2001, pp 42-3

Andre Lefevere, 'Translation and Canon Formation: Nine decades of drama in the United States' in (edd) R Alvarez and M Carmen-Africa-Vidal, Translation, Power, Subversion, Clevedon, Philadelphia, Adelaide, 1996, pp 138-155

Karen Malpede, 'Theatre of Witness' in (ed) R Mock, Performing Processes: Creating Live Performances, Bristol, 2000, pp 122-138

Marianne McDonald, 'A Classical Soap Opera for the Cultural Elite: Tantalus in Denver', Arion (Third Series 8.3, Winter 2001), pp 90-114

David Wiles, Greek Theatre Performance: An Introduction, Cambridge, 2000, UK

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