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The Theatre of Dionysus

The Theatre today The Theatre today

The Theatre of Dionysos is located on the south slope of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. The site has changed significantly over the two-and-a-half thousand years, since the days in which it first began to be used as a regular site of theatrical performance.

Scholars differ in opinion concerning the architecture of the first Theatre of Dionysos in Athens. The size, shape and even the precise location of the original orchestra and of the seating benches that surrounded it have all been disputed. Theories as to the theatre’s original structure vary widely, with some scholars suggesting circles and others trapezoid forms of differing shapes and sizes. The debate is of particularly marked importance because it is this first, (or 5th century BC) theatre that saw the first stagings of the great dramatic works written during the ‘golden age’ of Greek Tragedy: the plays of Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles. These were the great tragic poets whose plays were staged in the competitions that took place as a part of twice yearly Athenian civic festivals: the City Dionysia (during the spring), and the Lenaia (in winter).

Click on the images below to see examples of virtual reconstructions of the Theatre of Dionysus.

3D reconstructions created by The THEATRON consortium 3D reconstructions created by Animagic
3D reconstructions created by The THEATRON consortium 3D reconstructions created by Animagic